Friday, January 21, 2005


Yes, God wants you! Do you want God? Some people coming here may have heard a lot of bad things about God. What you have heard is religion. Religion sucks! God rocks! Jesus was God on earth in the form of a man. Jesus died on the cross for you. What does that mean? Or, are you trying to get me saved. You may have heard that term. Get saved. Get saved from what. Fire and brimstones. No, Jesus died on the cross to give you something not save you from something. He died to give you His life. That is why Jesus rose from the dead.

Why did Jesus have to die on the cross? What does that have to do with me? Well, you see Jesus became sin in order to give you His life. Sin means missing the mark. That is why there are so many things going on in the world today, because people miss the mark.

You see your life will lead to death. Even if you live a good life. Some of you may be living a bad life. A life of hell. So God wants to come and live inside of you and have you experience His life. He will live His life through you. What does His life contain? What is in His life?

His life is love, joy and peace. He wants to fill every part of you with His life. The only thing you have to lose is darkness, death, negative thoughts. No matter how good you are there is still a void God wants to fill and He does that through giving you His life. What a gift! Like Eddie Murphy use to say in his stand up comedy act. "What a bargin!" What do you have to lose? How can I recieve this life?

You can start by just asking Jesus that you want to know Him. Here is a prayer you can pray to help you get started on the adventure of a life time.

PRAYER: Jesus I want to know you. And I want to know this life that you have given me. I recieve what you did for me by dying on the cross. I ask you to fill me with your life. I ask you to fill me with yourself. I want to know you. I want to be a vesseal that is filled with you and your life. I want to know your love. I want to know your peace. I want your life to consume all the darkness that is in me. I recieve your love and I recieve your forgiveness. I am clean. I am Holy and I am pure. In Jesus name I pray Amen!

Cool! You got it. Now just continue to seek God and get to know Him. How do you do that? You just spend time with Him and talk to Him, like you would anyone else. God Bless You. You are precious! Jesus loves you!

Kevin Forest Frasure