Thursday, January 26, 2012

2012 And Beyond

2012 And Beyond…


This year will be a year of the humbling of governments as the Kingdom Of God begins to manifest.


I see this as a year of the manifestation of the kingdom of God. Many have been stuck in the revelation of the kingdom, this year they will manifest the kingdom. I see a deeper understanding of the government of God and how it functions. This will also be a year of the humble being exalted.


I saw a bright cloud floating over Seattle. Seattle has been known for being a pioneer of creative talent. I see a release of the spiritual pilgrims. These pilgrims will bring forth a new form of creativity in the arts. I hear a new sword and I see a new vision. I see a fresh fire being released into the streets of Seattle. That which has been gray will become white.

1994 – 2001

I speak to you. Some of you had an encounter with God between the years of 1994 – 2001. He brought you out of the dumpster. He brought you out of despair and misery. He brought you into His marvelous light. It seems like you have been battling every since. I see God brining peace to you this year. This will be the year that you receive the revelation and manifestation of the seal. You are sealed and have been paid for with the price of His blood. I speak to the Moses inside of you. Moses you have been hidden for much too long. Just as you had a miraculous encounter between the years of 1994 – 2001; I see another encounter. This encounter will awaken you from the slumber and you will remember the way things use to be. You will remember who you are. And although in the past you have went in your own strength and have failed; this year you will go in His strength and succeed. Take up your staff and walk. The staff will not longer bite you.

I see a release of these genres in books and films. I see a release of the prophetic and mystical realms of Glory. These are the genres that big ideas come from. The types of ideas that make people think. I see not only big ideas coming from these genres but the mind of Christ being released through them. I see impartation through books and movie screens. People being transformed by the mind of Christ and released into the prophetic. I see a mighty blow to humanism as these types of films and books are released. I see a new way of thinking and a new type of visionary. A new normal will come forth.


As the government of God is released the traditions of men will be made plain and will become a mockery. I see whole movements drying up because they are mere words with no power.


I see this as a year with the rise and fall of the arrogant. I see public people like political leaders and business men who will rise up like a comet and then fall down just as quick to be forgotten. It will happen because of their arrogance. I see people coming out of the shadows and becoming leaders because of their humility. I see humble business men with the eyes of eagles prospering in business. I also see those who have publically mocked God becoming the greatest spokespeople for God. They will have an encounter with grace and will not be able to be quiet about it.


I see the planets, space and the stars prophesying this year and the years to come that heaven is real. This will make headlines as scientist declare it from the rooftops. I see stalemates like “Heaven Is Real” “God Is Not Dead and I Can prove it” “The Kingdom of God Is True”.

I see a great move of spirituality not just among Christians, but all religions. I see a great wall of intolerance falling and being tossed into the sea as people begin to see with fresh eyes.


I see a love sickness fall across the land as people fall in love with the Lord all over again. I see people going back to the simplicity of the gospel. I see them in deep, deep love with the Lord. I see people with many mental and medical problems changed in an instant because of this love. I see people with torches in their hearts spreading this love into the streets.

I see a fire coming to the body of Christ and to the world. This isn’t a fire that judges and destroys but brings freedom and liberation. It is an all consuming fire. I see people who are hated and are society’s throwaways being touched and transformed by this fire. They will go from one extreme to the other. They will become Holy with just one touch from this fire.

It isn’t a judgmental or task master fire, but a fire that overwhelms a person with the love of God. They will experience the love of God and will be amazed at just how Holy and good He really is.

You have my permission to share on your blogs, facebook etc… Just please include my link Blessings, Kevin

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Footloose -- The Four Men Of Ariel


Recently, I posted on facebook about the release of the movie Footloose represents a freedom and a turn around of events in some of your lives. Are any of you enjoying the freedom yet? I know I am. It seemed like things shifted for me the very next day. Yes, the ugly serpent will lift up his head again, but for now enjoy your fresh wind.

I am now going to take a prophetic look into one of the characters in the film. The character I am going to look at is Ariel. I feel like this word is going to free some of you from things you have been carrying for a long time. WARNING THIS WORD CONTAINS SPOILERS FROM THE FILM.

Ariel is the wild child of the film. She is a preacher’s daughter. She wasn’t always wild. It wasn’t until the death of her brother that she turned out the way she did. I believe that there are four men in Ariel’s life that totally transforms her.

The first man I will look at is Pastor Shaw. He is Ariel’s father. The meaning of the name Shaw is wood. The relationship between Ariel and her father after her brother’s death is like dried up wood. Her father seems like wood. He seems distant and cold. Even his relationship with God seems more about rules than love. Yes, he does feel like he is protecting not only the flock but the entire town by his rules. But he loves out of hurt and loving from hurt always leads to control. He feels like he is loving Ariel by trying to control her with his rules but he is only pushing her away. She looks to another man to find the love she so desperately needs.

She finds a man named Chuck. The name Chuck means free man. Ariel feels free when she is around him. She feels free to be herself. The only other time she feels this free is when she dances. There is freedom in the dance, but because of her father dancing is now illegal.

So, she settles for the freedom she feels with Chuck, but after awhile she doesn’t feel free anymore. She feels controlled and oppressed. She feels used and talked down to. She didn’t find freedom in rules and now she doesn’t find freedom in breaking all the rules.

She yearns for someone else. She yearns for someone to come and rescue her. She meets Ren. Ren is the man she has always dreamed of, but at first she doesn’t see that he is. The name Ren means Raven.

1 King 17:1-7

1Now Elijah the Tishbite, of Tishbe[a] in Gilead, said to Ahab, "As the LORD, the God of Israel, lives, before whom I stand, there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, except by my word." 2And the word of the LORD came to him: 3"Depart from here and turn eastward and hide yourself by the brook Cherith, which is east of the Jordan. 4You shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there." 5So he went and did according to the word of the LORD. He went and lived by the brook Cherith that is east of the Jordan. 6And the ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook. 7And after a while the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land.

Ariel feels fed by Ren. She feels full when she is around him. Sometimes, he cuts her with his words but overall she knows he is a good guy. She feels comfortable around him and she trusts him. She feels secure in his arms. She should the man jumped in front of a train to rescue her!

The name Ren also means romance and love. That is how she feels with Ren. She feels loved. She can be herself and not be controlled or abused when she is around him. Ren even stands up to her father and transforms the entire town from rules to freedom. Part of the restored freedom was freedom to dance! Freedom to experience joy!

The relationship with her father was even restored because of Ren. Ariel and her father did something they haven’t done together in years. They danced! She felt so loved. She felt so forgiven while dancing in her father’s big strong arms.

Okay, that’s it…..

Oh, there is one more man. Yeah, that’s right. The relationship with this man wasn’t shown in the film, but He was always there under the surface. Some of you are feeling Him now or while reading this blog.

This man loved Ariel in every fiber of her being. He loves her in a way that no other man can. He loves you that same way. He loves her so much that He was even hidden in her name. You see, the name Ariel means: Lion Of God.

Right now the Lion is rising up in some of you. He is eating away the pain. Eating away the hurt, the despair and the darkness. Allow Him to do so. Yell, if you have to, Scream if you have to. It is okay to cry. It is okay to laugh, shake and dance. Allow Him to move upon you and through you. Allow Him to set you free. I see a bird flying out of the darkness. Your soul has been dark for too long. It is time to be free. He does not condemn you. He says “Come”. Son and daughter come and drink. Taste and see that I am good. Son and daughter come home. Come and dine with me. Come and dance with me. I love you with an everlasting love.

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Betty Page James Dean The X Men And Other Prophetic Words

Betty Page, James Dean, The X Men And Other Prophetic Words By Kevin Frasure

I sometimes receive spiritual downloads by seeing a movie poster, a television show or even literally a sign while driving down the street. God will give me a prophetic word. Here are some recent ones.


One day I saw the movie poster of the Betty Page movie, and a prophetic word was downloaded into me. I could see two pillars falling down and being crushed. One pillar was pornography and the other one was religion. I could see people flow in a spirit of true liberation.

2Cr 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, {there} is liberty.

For those of you who do not know the story of the Betty Page, she was the pin up Queen of the 1950's. Many of her pictures involved bondage and S&M. She later had an encounter with God at a church service and I think she is still whole heartily following Him today. She even preached on the streets and helped with a Billy Graham crusade.


I saw God rising up artist in various fields, who will have the same influence on culture as James Dean, Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe. It will be an anointing of evangelism that will greatly influence the arts and the world.


One day while flipping through the television shows, I flipped on a channel with one of the American Idols. I then saw into the Spirit. I saw God raising up and releasing singers who was not very talented. They did not have an "American Idol" voice, but in their voice was songs of authority. I could see people being healed as these vessels sang fresh songs from heaven. I could see cities and nations being changed by the song of the Lord. I could see fresh manna. I could see some impact various cultures. Especially the youth. I saw youth on fire almost addicted from the words flowing through these vessels mouths, but they would tell them "We can not be worshipped. Worship God."

I could see songs of freedom and liberation. I could see the dissatisfied being filled, but wanting more to drink of this unique fresh water. I could also see songs of revolution and fire, changing cities and nations throughout the world. Very raw and spontaneous sounds.

I then saw models with pure hearts. They were plain and unattractive compared to many of the images of what a model is suppose to look like. They had such a purity of heart that they would glow with beauty. I could see them changing the images we have of what is truly beautiful. I saw many women, mostly young women, being healed by the words of life flowing through the models.

I saw two bold women who God is rising up to be spokes people for women. They will expose the lies and ugliness of porn and the sex slave industry. They will be bold, radical and their message will be contagious and they will change the laws. They will have no fear of man and they will die a martyrs death.

I see one woman rising from the East and the other from the West. I hear the words "Tear down the machine" I see marches and protest. I see signs written in red.


One day I saw the previews of the the Da Vinci Code and I got a download of the Spirit. I could see a code being unlocked, but it wasn't the code being portrayed in the film. It was the DNA code. Divine Nature Activated. I could see people being enlightened to who they really are in Christ and operating in it. I could see revivals in restaurants and the market place when people would argue about the historical Jesus or the mythical Jesus and I could see those unlocking the code showing people who Jesus is today. I could see them painting a fresh panting of Jesus upsetting both the unbeliever and the religious.

I could see people being raptured in the Spirit in public places. Some will think they are having seizures and need medical help, but it will be an encounter with the Kingdom of God. They will open their mouths with fresh revelation after the encounters.

I could see people's eyes being opened and the people saying "That is the God you serve."


I saw babies being born. Some of the babies came out of the womb speaking in tongues. I could see babies born with unique spiritual gifts. I could see them walking in the Kingdom of God and Kingdom authority at a very early age. I saw some babies born immune to diseases and chemicals that would kill a normal person.

I could see some babies sweat oil. This oil was healing oil and as people rubbed the babies they were healed. I could see doctors studying the substance coming from the babies and describing it as positive energy. I them saw doctors admitting that it could only be described as the substance of heaven.

I could see young children with such authority that they could call out treasures from heaven and the treasures would literally be formed on earth. Jewels, diamonds and pearls.


I saw elderly people swimming in a lake and as they swam, they would become like little children filled with joy. The water was blue, white, and pure. I could see them laughing and giggling.


Who ever is reading this God drew you here, because I could see God drawing you to this particular part of my blog. In the next two to three months some of you will be launched into international ministry. Some of you who have been in a dry place will suddenly find fresh springs of living water.

There will be some of you who will begin to flow in healings, miracles, signs and wonders. You will be amazed when it happens by how easy it will happen. There are some of you with a strong spirit of evangelism. I see this burning inside of you. You heart is lit up and on fire! I see you hitting the streets with the gospel with power.

A few of you are going to have visions and dreams like never before. I see some of you begin to fall on your knees in prayer. For some it will be because of an encounter with God. For others it will be out of fear. Some of the events taking place will scare you to your knees. Again do not be fearful of what you see on television and hear on the radio. Seek God and pray.

Prophecy By Kevin Frasure 5-31-06

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Revival Fire And Rain 4/14/2006


A wave of revival fire has come to the south, I see the flames of fire in the streets. I see the gathering of radical on fire youth and missionaries in the streets. They will begin to gather and they will call upon the Lord. I see the fires of revival spreading throughout the south. I see flames of fire as they begin to fast and pray. The south shall rise with flames of fire. I see a shadow like the shadow of Peter falling.

I see the flames burning and breaking chains of captivity. Burning off sickness and disease. Burning off addictions and bondage. I see the flames moving upon the women of the south. Bondages and the traditions of men breaking. I hear the women of the south. They are going to roar with the sound of worship. I can hear them roar. I see the joy of the Lord falling upon their faces. Their precious faces. Their faces are going to shine like Moses.


I see flames of revival being stirred in small towns and communities in the East and in the South. I hear the sound of a move of repentance and a crying out for the Glory of the Lord to come. A crying out for revival. Get ready America. America rejoice. America rejoice at what God is going to do!


I see a great gathering among the tents. The cities of tents will become cities of fire. I see refreshing rains and an outpouring. I see the wind and no one knows where are what the wind is going to do. Unpredictable wind. An outpouring among the tent cities. One by one the youth will begin to gather and they will hold hands and they will begin to burn with fire and passion for the Lord. They will gather and worship. I see a cup. Yes, a cup of refreshing water. A cup of refreshing rain. A cup running over that will pour out into the streets and in the schools. A cup for the thirsty and a cup filled with love.

I see wells among the tents. Wells running over! Wells bursting into flames of fire. Wells of passion. Passion of the Spirit of the Lord. I see promises restored! I see a thick honey begin to form over some of the tents. People will eat the honey and be filled with joy. The honey will become thick and I see people stuck in the presence of the Lord. They will drink the honey.


Intercessors, Intercessors, your time has come. You have remained hidden and have labored and birthed in private. The enemy has robbed you of many things. But I see the day of restoration. I see the Lord exalting you and I see wages that have been stolen being paid back in full and more than enough. I see the Marys. The Marys who have sat at their Masters feet, without complaining listening to His every word and just allowing Him to love on them. I see God give them gifts and for many of them the desires of their hearts. I see Lazarus rising up. He has been stinking and hope is gone but I see him rising up and the grave clothes being removed.


Blow the shofar, sound the trumpet. I hear the sound of an abundance of rain. I hear the Spirit of Jubilee. I hear the release of Jubilee. I see a fresh birthing, impartation, and outpouring of the prophetic. I see worship in the streets. A dance of fire and passion. I see rivers, lots and lots of rivers. Lots and lots of rain. I see a filling up and a running over. I see rain, rain and more rain. Floods of rain. I see river Glory. I see a cup full and running over. Let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich and let the hungry say I am full. Joy, joy joy! The joy of the Lord is upon you. The following is a key unlocking the destiny of California. Sing it with authority!

Let it rain
Let it rain
Open the flood gates of Heaven
Let it rain
Let it rain
Open the flood gates of Heaven
Michael W. Smith

Please send all prayer request to

If you have been blessed by this newsletter and would like to invest in souls. Please donate to me through paypal to this email address

Make checks and money orders out to Kevin Frasure and send to the following address:

Kevin Frasure
Post Office Box 2075
Murfreesboro Tenn 37133-2075

Calling All Prayer Warriors 4/11/2006

The tornados that hit Tenneesse is only the first in a wave of destruction coming to North America and other parts of the world. The good news is there is going to be an outpouring of the Spirit, a massive harvest, a genuine move of repentance and seeking God, and revival fires. There is going to be an increase of incredible signs and wonders and the power of God in the market place and in the streets. It is no coincidence that a movie like the 10 commandments has come out at such a time as this. Life and death is literally in your tongue. Pro 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit. If God prompts you to fast and pray or lays cities on your heart to pray for, it is important to obey. It could literally mean life and death for people.

If you want to pray, but don't feel lead to pray for anything, I have written some tools or prayer targets for you in this newsletter.

The reason that people do not have a rich, beautiful faith is that their spirit is denied the privilege of communion and fellowship with the Father. - John G. Lake

It is easy in ministry or in life, to begin to rely on acquired knowledge instead of fresh knowledge revealed. We must maintain our union with Him to enjoy fresh oil and then there is no old oil. The life of God or presence of God can't be stored, it has to be current. It is a well of life, continually outflowing. - Gloria Copeland

If you are strangers to prayer you are strangers to power. - Billy Sunday

I have so much to do that I spend several hours in prayer before I am able to do it.—John Wesley

Always respond to every impulse to pray. The impulse to pray may come when you are reading or when you are battling with a text. I would make an absolute law of this – always obey such an impulse. --Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?-- Corrie Ten Boom

Pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge for Satan --John Bunyan

When I pray, coincidences happen, and when I don't pray, they don't. --William Temple

Pray, and let God worry. -- Martin Luther

The Church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men. The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men…Men of prayer." --E. M. Bounds

Notice, we never pray for folks we gossip about, and we never gossip about the folk for whom we pray! For prayer is a great deterrent. --Leonard Ravenhill

There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with God. --Brother Lawrence

"I find it necessary to begin at five in the morning and pray at all opportunity until ten or eleven at night" -- William Branham

Mat 21:13 And He *said to them, "It is written, 'MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER'; but you are making it a ROBBERS' DEN."

Luk 6:12 It was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God.

Luk 6:13 And when day came, He called His disciples to Him and chose twelve of them, whom He also named as apostles:

If they all found it necessary to pray, how much more should we?

Jam 5:16 The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

1Ki 18:41 Now Elijah said to Ahab, "Go up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of the roar of a {heavy} shower."

1Ki 18:42 So Ahab went up to eat and drink. But Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and he crouched down on the earth and put his face between his knees.

1Ki 18:43 He said to his servant, "Go up now, look toward the sea." So he went up and looked and said, "There is nothing." And he said, "Go back" seven times.

1Ki 18:44 It came about at the seventh {time,} that he said, "Behold, a cloud as small as a man's hand is coming up from the sea." And he said, "Go up, say to Ahab, 'Prepare {your chariot} and go down, so that the {heavy} shower does not stop you.' "

1Ki 18:45 In a little while the sky grew black with clouds and wind, and there was a heavy shower. And Ahab rode and went to Jezreel.

Elijah labored and birthed. Elijah travailed and birthed the end of the famine over Israel. He travailed until he heard the sound of the abundance of rain. Elijah would not stop! Elijah was determined to birth a manifestation, and read the posture of humility that Elijah took while praying in 1 Ki 18:42.

People talk about a move of God and get excited at prophetic meetings. But where can they be found when it is time to pray? Look at our city streets and we can really see how much time we spend in prayer and how much we really care about the one lost sheep. Yes, we have lives to live but part of those lives should include prayer and helping others. If we are truly seeking God in the church on every corner in our communities then our communities would look a little different.

If we cannot shed tears over the lost and the conditions of our cities, then we are not pregnant with the heart of God. If the deaths in New Orleans, Bay St Louis or Tennessee does not concern us enough to even pray for 15 minutes then how can we call ourselves Christians? I am not saying this to condemn people or to get people in a lot of works. Yes, there will always be death and dispair and you can't help everyone, but you can help one. You can pray for "the one" and you can birth something.

Ask God to impregnate you and help you birth through. Ask God to show you "the one". "The one" may be the bum on the street, the nerd at the school or someone you work with. It may be a simple prayer or maybe buying someone a toy or a gift. Simple acts of kindness do more than you know.

Yes, you can't pray and birth through everything, but you can birth something and people are going to need your prayers in the coming months and years. If you have a heart for souls, signs and wonders, salvation and healing the wounded, ask God to impregnate you and you will see great things.


The following exercises is to help those of you who may need help tapping in or want to try something different. A relationship with God isn't a formula. You have your own way of praying with God, so go ahead and do what you feel comfortable with.


Just pray in tongues. Don't underestimate the power of praying in tongues. Then pray to interupt your own tongues, or you can just prophesy.

Something you may try is that while speaking in tongues, speak the promises of God. Pick out a promise God has given to you and speak it out for 3-5 minutes and then speak in tongues for 3-5 minutes. Keep going back and forth and watch what happens. What may happen is that you will begin to feel an atomic bomb of prayer building up in you. When you can't contain it much longer let it out. You will begin to speak the word of the Lord, or go into intercession, or something. Now, let your bomb out. You can also do this with prayer targets like cities.


Put some worship music on and lay in the presence of God. Focus on Him and allow Him to love on you, then change your focus to hearing God and allow Him to place certain cities on your heart to pray for and what to pray for. Maybe He wants you to pray for a hedge or protection around New York City or a move of His Spirit in Boston, or maybe revival fire in Singapore.


Meditate on the word. Say the scripture over and over to yourself and eat of it. Let it sink deep within. Another way is to find a scripture God has anointed. You will feel power or it will just stand out to you somehow. Maybe you will feel fire. Read it again and again, and again. You will find you will get higher and higher. Once the presence lifts, stop and read another. I read Psalm 27 like this once and the Glory of the Lord became so thick that I could no longer read or stand. It was almost like I was stuck to the ground


Father God, I lift up everyone reading this newsletter and I ask you to impregnate them with prayer. I ask you to give them dreams and visions in the night. And give them prayer points and prayer targets to pray through. I ask you to confirm what they are praying. Give them prophetic words and prophetic decrees. Give them fiery hearts of passion. I ask you to roar through them Lord. To roar through them like a lion. Roar through them in a way to open heavens and to shake cities and nations with your presence, Glory and Fire! Heal them of any oppression or discouragement. Heal them with any loss of hope and restore their hope. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.


Wow thank you so much!
Did you write it all just for me? That's so nice, and very true! Tell me how you do it, this is really well done. I've read the psalms too, very interesting, actually you made me open my Bible and I don't do it very often at all.

Thanks again, this encouraged me a lot and I am happy when a reading is as clear and true as yours, I can't wait to get more, have a great day. God bless You too...

Fanny from France

Prayer Targets:

1) Tenneessee (protection/revival fire)
2) North Carolina (protection)
3) South Carolina (protection)
4) Canada (protection, healing, revival fire)
5) Kentucky (protection)
6) New York City (protection/revival)
7) Georgia (protection/revival fire)
8) Michigan (protection/ outpouring of prophetic)
9) Los Angeles (protection/ outpouring)

Also, please pray for Warrior's Abode.

Donate to me through paypal. My email address is Or you can send check or money orders to: Kevin Frasure

Kevin Frasure
Post Office Box 2075
Murfreesboro Tenn 37133-2075

Please send prayer request to

Don't become discouraged at what you see on the news. Your prayers are needed and are making a difference. God Bless, Kevin

The Year 2006 And Tennessee


I see this being a year of change. Many of you will let go of past pain, dreams and visions. I see them being replaced by new relationships, dreams and visions. For some of you God will resurrect an old dream, but it will be somewhat different than your original dream, vision or purpose.

It will have life and not death in it, and you will finally see it come to pass. Some of you will find yourself starting over. It will feel like all you have worked for was for nothing and you will find yourself starting over again in life. This may be because of a move, loss of job, change in weather, ministry, career, or office. etc...

It is important to not become bitter during this time and to fear God and keep his commandments.


Luk 10:28 And He said to him, "You have answered correctly; DO THIS AND YOU WILL LIVE."

Eph 3:19 and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.

Ecc 12:13 The conclusion, when all has been heard, {is:} fear God and keep His commandments, because this {applies to} every person.

Ecc 12:14 For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.

During this change there will be friends or things you can't take with you. Let them go. It's okay. God has other things in store for you. Better things.

I see some of you eating healthy in 2006 and this change of diet will heal you of some problems that you have been having due to diet and nothing else. I see the heavens being silent for some of you for a season and you will wonder what is wrong. Nothing is wrong. During this time you will make practical decisions that will be postive changes for you in the coming season.

I see the youth gone wild in America in 2006 and beyond. I see Christian youth and those with a youthful mind bringing change to Chrisitianity in America. I see a movement of love much like the 1960's and the Jesus Freak movement of the 1970's. I see fire and extreme youth crushing idols of hate that many in Christianity have bowed their knees too.

They are spontaneous, courageous, contagious and totally fearless. Thomasville Georgia has the potential of being one of the gathering places of this coming movement of love. I see churches being closed down because of their refusal to move with what the Spirit is doing in this hour.

I see sucide bombings happening on USA soil by the end of 2006 or 2007. I see a negative move among the teens in 2006.



I see a coming revival of evangelism in Murfreesboro. The fire and glory of the Lord will hit in a mighty way. I see many well known prophets targeting this city for what God is going to do. I see God's Spirit falling in restaurants and businesses. I see college people being on fire for the Lord.

I see a mighty harvest in the projects. I see children's ministry. I see souls being saved daily. I see a move of God among the mentally challenged and the insane. God will heal them and transform them and use them in a mighty way.


I see a mighty wave of healing coming to smryna. I also see Smyrna as a hidden place for prophets to gather.


The influence of Nashville is going to explode in 2006 or 2007. I see a prophetic stirring. I hear the words "May Day" I see people who are tired of being sick and tired and tired of what they see happening in their city. I see a movement of evangelism, but mostly prophetic and worship evangelism. I see worship evangelism having a huge impact on this city. I see the bowls of worship being poured out upon this city. Many, many colors of worship. I see the seeds of Graham growing and taking root. I see a mighty rushing wind moving in the project areas of Nashville. I see a strong wind of intimacy and worship. The worship will break many hardened hearts bringing people back to Jesus or bringing people to Jesus for the first time. I see a strange movement of prophetic evangelism.

I also hear the words "Mini Hollywood" Nashville will become a city of influence and the eyes of Hollywood will rest upon her. I see many Christian artist shaking the Hollywood system within and outside of the Studio system. I see gritty, edgy Christian films being shot in Nashville and the surrounding cities. I also see family films about love and faith being shot in Nashville and surrounding cities. I also see cartoons. Some celebrities will make Nashville their home and they will give their lives to Christ or come back to Him after moving to Nashville.

A Renaissance of the arts is being birthed in Nashville. It will shake Hollywood and the nations. Mindsets will be changed and strongholds will be broken. God is gathering his warriors of the arts in Nashville. His warriors, creators, and visionaries of film, music, screenwriting, dance, acting and art have come to gather in Nashville.


I see an explosion of healing and prophetic evangelism. This city is really going to shine. I see open heavens and many visions, signs and wonders.

Please send all prayer request to

If you have been blessed by this newsletter and would like to invest in souls. Please donate to me through paypal to this email address

Make checks and money orders out to Kevin Frasure and send to the following address:

Kevin Frasure
Post Office Box 2075
Murfreesboro Tenn 37133-2075

Saturday, February 25, 2006

New Orleans

Pastor Troy D. Bohn

HELP! That is the best way that I can say it right now concerning what is about to happen here in New Orleans.

Undoubtedly, the whole nation’s attention was upon New Orleans and the whole Gulf Coast in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and the devastation that followed when our levee system failed and we found New Orleans 80% under water!

Well, the attention that we were getting has decreased and the type of attention that is being paid to the city now is not the attention that will truly have the biggest long term impact.

While the Mayor, the Governor, the President, FEMA, the Army Corp of Engineers and a plethora of other private and governmental agencies argue and debate on the rebuilding of a city—the Church needs to instead be focusing on the unprecedented Harvest and Revival opportunity that this has presented the Gulf Coast and this Nation.

HELP! Is how one could simply break down the vision that Paul received when his brother needed him to come to Macedonia at a pivotal time for that region.

Acts 16:9-10 says, “And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, Come over to Macedonia and help us. Now after he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them.”

When we began our work full time here in New Orleans in 2003, the Holy Spirit spoke to us that (He) “was sending REVIVAL upon the Gulf Coast of the USA and that we needed to network with the Body of Christ in preparation for this time” Luke 5:1-7

In a couple of months, February 24-28, 2006, RAVEN Ministries will be hosting their 10th annual Mardi Gras Outreach in New Orleans. This is a gathering of believers from all over the country who come to share the LIVING WORD with a DYING WORLD.

In the months since Katrina we have personally seen approximately 400 people come to the Lord Jesus Christ in the French Quarter and on Bourbon Street. The “harvest is ready to be harvested but the labors are too few.”

Please come and help us! You can get more information and contact us through our website at and then click on the Mardi Gras Outreach button or you can email me, Pastor Troy D. Bohn, at or call me at our offices anytime at 504-304-6535

We NEED you here with us for this time. THIS is where we can break the back of the devil over this city and see revival spread throughout this nation—but we need your help to do it.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Thanksgiving Day Prophecy 2005

Prophecy Given Thanksgiving Day:


I could hear and see God say "I am restoring my tents." I then saw glimpses of the people involved in the great healing movement of the past. People like William Branham, Paul Cain and Oral Roberts. I heard God say "I am restoring my healing movement. It will pick up where the last healing movement left off, before corruption set in. This movement will be without corruption, because I am purging my body. It will be from purity of heart. Greater healings, miracles, signs and wonders will occur during this movement." I feel like this will be a four year movement, even though I didn't hear God directly say that. I then heard the words "The Greatest Awakening"

I then saw two mighty rivers. One river was from Canada and the other the United States Of America. The two rivers combined and intertwined creating a mighty flood of healing and the Glory of God.


I saw a movement of purity within the public schools. I saw many teachers arrested for child molestation. I saw students standing up on cafeteria tables and wearing buttons which stated "I'm Pure". I saw a revolution and a shaking of the court system as the students stood up for God.

I saw spontaneous preaching in schools and government buildings. I could hear students chanting "We won't tolerate it anymore, we won't"

I then saw woodstock like revivals in parks and on the lawns of public schools. I saw students preaching from the back of pick-up trucks and from vans. The side of the vans folded out into stages.


Jdg 16:26 Then Samson said to the boy who was holding his hand, "Let me feel the pillars on which the house rests, that I may lean against them."

Jdg 16:27 Now the house was full of men and women, and all the lords of the Philistines were there. And about 3,000 men and women were on the roof looking on while Samson was amusing {them.}

Jdg 16:28 Then Samson called to the LORD and said, "O Lord GOD, please remember me and please strengthen me just this time, O God, that I may at once be avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes."

Jdg 16:29 Samson grasped the two middle pillars on which the house rested, and braced himself against them, the one with his right hand and the other with his left.

Jdg 16:30 And Samson said, "Let me die with the Philistines!" And he bent with all his might so that the house fell on the lords and all the people who were in it. So the dead whom he killed at his death were more than those whom he killed in his life.

I saw Samson between two pillars and then I saw a shaking within the porn industry. I heard God say "I have sent my prophet in the midst of perversion. He will shake the system and turn perversion into praise." I then saw an earthquake within the porn industry and I could see the restoration of the tabernacle of David in unique places. I saw ladies of the night transformed into dancers of fire and of the light.

I saw a great move of worship and repentance take place in the gentlemen's clubs across the world. I then saw many in the adult film industry stand up for the Lord. They were men and women of fire. I saw them giving their testimonies on shows like David Letterman and Larry King. I could see God's name glorified on the pages of Hustler magazine. I could see testimonies of people on the pages of Hustler magazine.


I saw a great shaking in Hollywood and I saw a changing of the guard in many areas and arenas. I saw a great move of creativity and purity shown on the movie screen. I could see a great move of the prophetic within the Hollywood community. This move will greatly influence the storytellers, filmmakers, celebrities, and producers. An impartation behind the scenes and then an impartation of the prophetic through the screens. I saw people being healed in theatres.

I saw prophetic films made in the genres of fantasy, action, love and horror. The films will out sale many of the major selling films like Star Wars. I also saw films of fresh vision and revelation. Things like we have never seen or experienced. I saw many, many, colors filling the screens.


I saw prophetic story books for teenagers and children. I saw a series of books that will out sale Harry Potter. It will grab media attention.


I saw a fresh sound and wave of the prophetic. Very native. Very warlike, but at times very gentle. I saw this sound and wave of music grab the attention of MTV and I saw fire and impartation flowing out of the television. I saw ministries of fire birthed overnight and taking the flame to the streets. Spontaneous concerts on rooftops and coffee houses. I could hear people chanting "We are the warriors" "We are the Jesus Freaks."


I then saw pure blue water filling city streets. The wells had been clogged up from centuries of sin and generational curses. I saw the wells unclogged and fresh revelation filling the city streets along with rivers of healing.

TESTIMONY (Betty, Murfreesboro Tenn)

I was having a great deal of pain from arthritis Kevin prayed for my healing and I was healed instantly. No more pain. I feel great. Praise God!

Thanks for your prayers and donations. Please send all prayer request to Thanks for your generous support.

If you have been blessed by this newsletter and would like to invest in souls. Please donate to me through paypal to this email address

Make checks and money orders out to Kevin Frasure and send to the following address:

Kevin Frasure
Post Office Box 2075
Murfreesboro Tenn 37133-2075

Keep praying for New Orleans. Lives are being transformed everyday here. People are saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. Please continue to pray for warriors to be sent in and donations of finances and also RV's, Campers, Suv's etc... needed for travel and to expand the Kingdom. God Bless, Kevin

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Are you having an identity crisis?

October 30, 2005

Are You Having an Identity Crisis?

By Francis Frangipane
Ministries of Francis Frangipane

As Christians, our faith tells us that Christ died as payment for our sins. We believe He actually rose from the grave as proof that He was, indeed, sent by God. Yet, it is also our conviction that, upon this resurrection event, not only were the sins of mankind atoned for but through Christ a second Genesis began.

Paul explains, "The first man, Adam, became a living soul. The last Adam became a life-giving spirit" (1 Corinthians 15:45). The word Adam means "man" and is representative of "mankind."

There are now two Adams or two species of man. The first species of man is the descendant of sinful Adam. His life orbits around his carnal or "natural" desires. He carries both the DNA of Adam's nature and the consequences of Adam's sin. This natural man is focused upon fulfilling the needs of his soul. He is, indeed, a "living soul," but he is controlled by fears, physical needs, intellect boundaries, cultural environment, and sin.

The second species or race of man is Spirit-centered. His thoughts, dreams, and experiences originate primarily from the Holy Spirit, who lives in union with him. The highest aspiration of the Spirit-centered man is not on attaining natural successes, but upon attaining conformity to Christ.

While the first man lives to experience what the world around him can give him, the last species of man, the Christ-man, lives for what he can give to the world -- he is a "life-giving spirit." The first Adam engendered descendants with problems; the spiritual descendants of the last Adam, Christ, provide the world with answers.

New Creatures

While men divide over many things -- culture, skin color, language or social status -- from God's view, mankind is only truly divided into two subsets: those controlled by their souls and those controlled by the Holy Spirit. One race is dead in sin; the other is alive in Christ. One species of man is destined to perish; the other will live forever. Just as the first Adam passed sin, weakness, and death on to his children, so the second Adam, Christ, passes virtue, power, and eternal life to the children of God.

"Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come." -- 2 Corinthians 5:17

"For neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation." -- Galatians 6:15

We are not merely men of flesh temporarily acting spiritual, but we are spiritual beings temporarily living as men of flesh. If you have received Christ into your life, you are part of the second Genesis. You possess a new nature which, like Christ's, shall live forever.

Identity Crisis

Yet, too many of us suffer from an "identity crisis." We are confused about who we really are. We attend church, but internally, we are still deeply identified with the traits and expectations of the first Adam. Paul rebuked the church in Corinth, which suffered with fleshy attitudes, saying, "are you not walking like mere men?" (1 Corinthians 3:3).

Hear me well: if you have received Christ, you are no mere mortal. The very same power that raised Christ from the dead abides also in you. While you may experience many of the same trials that the descendants of the first Adam face, you are buoyed by God's Spirit as He faithfully works all things for good in your life. On the other side of your trials is not death but resurrection!

"But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells you." -- Romans 8:11

We may look human, but abiding within us is a treasure more valuable than the earth itself: resurrection power.

"And God raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power." -- Acts 2:24

Just as it was impossible for death to hold Christ in the grave, so it is impossible for the substance of "death" still in us -- our sins and failures -- to hold Him as well. Christ conquers death as readily as light drives out darkness. Indeed, in all things we are "more than conquerors through Him who loved us" (Romans 8:37 NIV).

Seated With Christ

As I was engaged in a particular struggle, a friend asked me, "How are you doing under the circumstances?" I answered, "I'm not under the circumstances; I'm seated with Christ in heavenly places. My Father is God. There is no weapon formed against me that can prosper. I'm born again from above, a new creation; I am a partaker of the Divine Nature."

Everything I answered came directly from God's word and represents the reality granted me by faith in God's promises. Faith unlocks the power of God's promises.

So, beloved friend, you are not under circumstances or "the weather" or pressures or curses; you are alive together with Christ (Colossians 2) and positioned in the shelter of God's domain. Yes, we face conflict which God uses to perfect our character, but He also "always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place" (2 Corinthians 2:14).

Beloved, if you are not using God's word to define and shape your spiritual identity, you will, in fact, be under circumstances and clouded by the oppression that abides on the first Adam. You may still be a Christian, but you will suffer from your identity crisis.

This is why Paul said, "put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth" (Ephesians 4: 24). You must accept, believe, and then apply the word of God until you are fully established as a new creation.

"Those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren." -- Romans 8:29

This quest to walk in your new nature is the crux of your primary battles in life. This is not just a war between your virtue and your vices, but it is a war between your identity after the flesh and your true identity as a new creature in Christ. "Faith," John tells us, "is the victory that overcomes the world" (1 John 5:4).

You are a citizen of a new realm. As such, you must learn the customs and understand the language. In the kingdom of God, everyone believes what God says about them. When God speaks, His words create realities. Our faith accepts the grace and truth of God's word, and in so doing our lives are transformed.

Yes, we will still fail, but Christ is greater than our failings. True, we will still err, but in all things, God works for the good. Indeed, we pass through hard experiences that God uses to conform us to the character of His Son (see Philippians 3:10), yet He also brings us through such things so we can possess the power of Christ's resurrection!

Consider Paul's analysis of his personal journey:

"I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me." -- Galatians 2:20

Again, he wrote:

"Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day." --2 Corinthians 4:16

Let us ask ourselves: is our spiritual consciousness focused upon what is inwardly "decaying"? Or are our hearts lifted to that which is "being renewed day by day"? Are we living as mere men or as new creatures, fashioned after the likeness of Christ? Would you agree that it is time to get over your identity crisis?

Lord, forgive me for dwelling in the basement of my old nature rather than the penthouse of Your love and promises. You have chosen me to reveal Your life; You've given me Your Holy Spirit and spoken to me through Your word. I am Your child, born from above and destined to inherit Your glory. I worship You, my Lord and King.

By Francis Frangipane
Ministries of Francis Frangipane