Tuesday, June 21, 2005

What have you given your hearts too? Lanna Perry

What have you given your hearts too?
21st June, 2005
Lanna Perry



My precious and beautiful children, I am calling each of you to examine your hearts. Come into My glorious light and examine your hearts in the light of My presence.

My children, I love each of you so much. I have called each of you to know Me and know My heart in great ways. Something that distresses Me greatly about My church today is that many do not know My heart. Many do not know what My heart is, and what My heart is saying to My church today. Many are not listening to My heart. Many have given their hearts to other things, and are not captivated and passionately following Me. Many are wandering off in their own directions while still calling on My name.

My precious followers, I love each of you with a love that is everlasting. With a love that reaches the deepest parts of you, parts that many of you don't even know that exist. My precious and wonderful jewels, I am calling you to come into My presence and examine your hearts.

Let Me show you the state of your hearts. Many of you have endured during this time and are enduring a deep time of refinement. This is me bringing your hearts into My light, those of you who are willing to become more like Me.

Many of you have given your hearts to things that are not of Me. Things that do not please Me. Let go My church. My precious precious children, how I adore you, and My heart is to see you grow and flourish in My presence, yet many of you are not willing to let go.

Many of you are holding tightly to things that I have asked you to let go of. I am asking you again My church, let go of the things that are hindering you, that are causing your heart to turn to them and not to Me. Repent and let go.

I am now testing the faithfulness of My children, the fire is hot but you will NOT be burned. My children, let go, turn your hearts back to Me, and allow Me to reveal more of myself to you, and you will be captivated by Me in ways you've never dreamed.

My precious and wonderful warriors, I have called each of you with a great and wonderful purpose. You belong to Me, My family, and I want only what is best for you, so allow Me to change you and mould you. Let go of what is hindering you.

You have heard My voice in the stillness of your hearts lovingly urging you to let go, surrender and allow Me to take over. In those places where you don't understand, where you have sacrificed with what seems to be no purpose, let go of trying to understand and rest in Me.

I am moving My church forward. I am preparing the way for My return. Like voices in the wilderness My prophets are calling out "Prepare the way of the Lord, His return is ever so near", listen My church...come into My presence and let Me bring what is in your hearts to the surface.

Give your hearts to Me again. Be honest with yourselves and honest before Me. Repent of things that you have given your hearts too that are not of Me. Let go, and Let ME be God in your lives, and do all that I wish.

Then and then alone will you see My Glory manifest through each of you in glorious ways. I love each of you very much and want only what is best for you. Do not keep your hearts turned from Me, but turn back to Me. Turn your hearts back to Me, let Me remove the things in your hearts not of Me and I will fill them with more of myself.

When we face UP to the Glory of God, we find ourselves face down in worship - Matt Redman
