Sunday, April 16, 2006

Revival Fire And Rain 4/14/2006


A wave of revival fire has come to the south, I see the flames of fire in the streets. I see the gathering of radical on fire youth and missionaries in the streets. They will begin to gather and they will call upon the Lord. I see the fires of revival spreading throughout the south. I see flames of fire as they begin to fast and pray. The south shall rise with flames of fire. I see a shadow like the shadow of Peter falling.

I see the flames burning and breaking chains of captivity. Burning off sickness and disease. Burning off addictions and bondage. I see the flames moving upon the women of the south. Bondages and the traditions of men breaking. I hear the women of the south. They are going to roar with the sound of worship. I can hear them roar. I see the joy of the Lord falling upon their faces. Their precious faces. Their faces are going to shine like Moses.


I see flames of revival being stirred in small towns and communities in the East and in the South. I hear the sound of a move of repentance and a crying out for the Glory of the Lord to come. A crying out for revival. Get ready America. America rejoice. America rejoice at what God is going to do!


I see a great gathering among the tents. The cities of tents will become cities of fire. I see refreshing rains and an outpouring. I see the wind and no one knows where are what the wind is going to do. Unpredictable wind. An outpouring among the tent cities. One by one the youth will begin to gather and they will hold hands and they will begin to burn with fire and passion for the Lord. They will gather and worship. I see a cup. Yes, a cup of refreshing water. A cup of refreshing rain. A cup running over that will pour out into the streets and in the schools. A cup for the thirsty and a cup filled with love.

I see wells among the tents. Wells running over! Wells bursting into flames of fire. Wells of passion. Passion of the Spirit of the Lord. I see promises restored! I see a thick honey begin to form over some of the tents. People will eat the honey and be filled with joy. The honey will become thick and I see people stuck in the presence of the Lord. They will drink the honey.


Intercessors, Intercessors, your time has come. You have remained hidden and have labored and birthed in private. The enemy has robbed you of many things. But I see the day of restoration. I see the Lord exalting you and I see wages that have been stolen being paid back in full and more than enough. I see the Marys. The Marys who have sat at their Masters feet, without complaining listening to His every word and just allowing Him to love on them. I see God give them gifts and for many of them the desires of their hearts. I see Lazarus rising up. He has been stinking and hope is gone but I see him rising up and the grave clothes being removed.


Blow the shofar, sound the trumpet. I hear the sound of an abundance of rain. I hear the Spirit of Jubilee. I hear the release of Jubilee. I see a fresh birthing, impartation, and outpouring of the prophetic. I see worship in the streets. A dance of fire and passion. I see rivers, lots and lots of rivers. Lots and lots of rain. I see a filling up and a running over. I see rain, rain and more rain. Floods of rain. I see river Glory. I see a cup full and running over. Let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich and let the hungry say I am full. Joy, joy joy! The joy of the Lord is upon you. The following is a key unlocking the destiny of California. Sing it with authority!

Let it rain
Let it rain
Open the flood gates of Heaven
Let it rain
Let it rain
Open the flood gates of Heaven
Michael W. Smith

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