Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Betty Page James Dean The X Men And Other Prophetic Words

Betty Page, James Dean, The X Men And Other Prophetic Words By Kevin Frasure

I sometimes receive spiritual downloads by seeing a movie poster, a television show or even literally a sign while driving down the street. God will give me a prophetic word. Here are some recent ones.


One day I saw the movie poster of the Betty Page movie, and a prophetic word was downloaded into me. I could see two pillars falling down and being crushed. One pillar was pornography and the other one was religion. I could see people flow in a spirit of true liberation.

2Cr 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, {there} is liberty.

For those of you who do not know the story of the Betty Page, she was the pin up Queen of the 1950's. Many of her pictures involved bondage and S&M. She later had an encounter with God at a church service and I think she is still whole heartily following Him today. She even preached on the streets and helped with a Billy Graham crusade.


I saw God rising up artist in various fields, who will have the same influence on culture as James Dean, Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe. It will be an anointing of evangelism that will greatly influence the arts and the world.


One day while flipping through the television shows, I flipped on a channel with one of the American Idols. I then saw into the Spirit. I saw God raising up and releasing singers who was not very talented. They did not have an "American Idol" voice, but in their voice was songs of authority. I could see people being healed as these vessels sang fresh songs from heaven. I could see cities and nations being changed by the song of the Lord. I could see fresh manna. I could see some impact various cultures. Especially the youth. I saw youth on fire almost addicted from the words flowing through these vessels mouths, but they would tell them "We can not be worshipped. Worship God."

I could see songs of freedom and liberation. I could see the dissatisfied being filled, but wanting more to drink of this unique fresh water. I could also see songs of revolution and fire, changing cities and nations throughout the world. Very raw and spontaneous sounds.

I then saw models with pure hearts. They were plain and unattractive compared to many of the images of what a model is suppose to look like. They had such a purity of heart that they would glow with beauty. I could see them changing the images we have of what is truly beautiful. I saw many women, mostly young women, being healed by the words of life flowing through the models.

I saw two bold women who God is rising up to be spokes people for women. They will expose the lies and ugliness of porn and the sex slave industry. They will be bold, radical and their message will be contagious and they will change the laws. They will have no fear of man and they will die a martyrs death.

I see one woman rising from the East and the other from the West. I hear the words "Tear down the machine" I see marches and protest. I see signs written in red.


One day I saw the previews of the the Da Vinci Code and I got a download of the Spirit. I could see a code being unlocked, but it wasn't the code being portrayed in the film. It was the DNA code. Divine Nature Activated. I could see people being enlightened to who they really are in Christ and operating in it. I could see revivals in restaurants and the market place when people would argue about the historical Jesus or the mythical Jesus and I could see those unlocking the code showing people who Jesus is today. I could see them painting a fresh panting of Jesus upsetting both the unbeliever and the religious.

I could see people being raptured in the Spirit in public places. Some will think they are having seizures and need medical help, but it will be an encounter with the Kingdom of God. They will open their mouths with fresh revelation after the encounters.

I could see people's eyes being opened and the people saying "That is the God you serve."


I saw babies being born. Some of the babies came out of the womb speaking in tongues. I could see babies born with unique spiritual gifts. I could see them walking in the Kingdom of God and Kingdom authority at a very early age. I saw some babies born immune to diseases and chemicals that would kill a normal person.

I could see some babies sweat oil. This oil was healing oil and as people rubbed the babies they were healed. I could see doctors studying the substance coming from the babies and describing it as positive energy. I them saw doctors admitting that it could only be described as the substance of heaven.

I could see young children with such authority that they could call out treasures from heaven and the treasures would literally be formed on earth. Jewels, diamonds and pearls.


I saw elderly people swimming in a lake and as they swam, they would become like little children filled with joy. The water was blue, white, and pure. I could see them laughing and giggling.


Who ever is reading this God drew you here, because I could see God drawing you to this particular part of my blog. In the next two to three months some of you will be launched into international ministry. Some of you who have been in a dry place will suddenly find fresh springs of living water.

There will be some of you who will begin to flow in healings, miracles, signs and wonders. You will be amazed when it happens by how easy it will happen. There are some of you with a strong spirit of evangelism. I see this burning inside of you. You heart is lit up and on fire! I see you hitting the streets with the gospel with power.

A few of you are going to have visions and dreams like never before. I see some of you begin to fall on your knees in prayer. For some it will be because of an encounter with God. For others it will be out of fear. Some of the events taking place will scare you to your knees. Again do not be fearful of what you see on television and hear on the radio. Seek God and pray.

Prophecy By Kevin Frasure 5-31-06
