Monday, May 30, 2005

My Spiritual Battle With Harry Potter

My Spiritual Battle With Harry Potter

By David Traylor

I hate to use the word hate. But I hate it when I fall into a trap. Harry Potter was the bait and I tumbled headfirst into a pit of my own making.

I have always prided (uh!) myself on not taking at face value what I hear. For the last two decades I have tried to test and research the truth of a matter for myself. I developed this habit having been sucked into a number of doctrines, teachings and beliefs that I eventually found out to be, to put it charitably, unbiblical. Then who should come blazing over landscape of popular culture riding their broomsticks but J. K. Rowling and Harry Potter.

I heard all the talk about Harry Potter, witchcraft, magic, witches, dragons, wizards and all sorts of other nefarious things. Then when the film rocketed to the top of charts for weeks and weeks, and when almost every business in the western, and parts of the eastern, world were flooded with Harry Potter toys, games, collectibles, trading card games, clothing, school supplies, sheet music and even valentine items, I knew the civilized world was poised for an awakening of profound darkness in the hearts of the youth of the world. How could it be otherwise with this seemingly unblinking acceptance of a raging river of demonic and unclean retail products?

Cracks began to form in the wall of my opinion when a number of our friends let their children read the book and see the film of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. As an example, a former worship leader at the church I sporadically attend let his son, one year older than mine, read the same book. I was shocked. Then he said that he had read the book himself andÉand liked it! I was appalled! What could these people be thinking? DidnÕt they know what was in this thing?

You don’t have to open a garbage can to know what is in it, do you?

Then we had a friend visit us from New Zealand. He is a powerful spiritual authority and an internationally recognized teacher. We had just been talking about The Fellowship of the Ring film and I highly recommended that he see it. We both are huge fans of world cinema and the four J. R. R. Tolkien hobbit books. We have spent hours discussing film in general and dozens of films specifically. Somewhere in our conversation I told him of my reluctance to see the Harry Potter film. He paused.

His question was: "What’s the difference between Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring?"

"Well," I stammered, "The Lord of the Rings" doesn’t advocate the use of witchcraft by young people!"

He just looked at me. His question remained blatantly insufficiently answered.

After my friend departed back to New Zealand I talked to my wife about the difference between the two films. Both have magic, wizards and unearthly doings of all sorts. She reminded me about our friends and acquaintances that had read the Harry Potter book and had a far different opinion than mine. She suggested that I read it myself and come to my own conclusion.

Well, I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and have come to a number of conclusions. Here they are:

1. I am a pompous and prideful hypocrite.
2. I talk the talk but need to be prodded to walk the walk of even my own talk.
3. Making up your own mind is infinitely better than having the perceived truth of others infiltrating your brain and into spirit .
4. Truth is better than opinion, no matter where or who the opinion comes from.

Oh, the book...I liked it! I look forward to reading the other books in the series as well. I also hope to see the film shortly.

This turn around of opinion has had many ramifications.

I knew I needed to have a sit down talk with my eight year old son. After much pontificating and highlightling the gruesome spiritual ramifications I had heaped on him in regards to this book it was more than necessary that I try to make this crooked way straight.

I told him that fathers make mistakes. I told him I was wrong about the Harry Potter book and it wasn’t so bad after all. I went through a long, and probably way too involved explanation of why I changed my mind. He is a huge fan of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and I tried to point out their similarities and differences as works of fiction. He listened patiently. Then I asked him to forgive me. He did. He’s a good boy with a good heart. He really seemed to understand.

Then I asked my son if he would like to read the book., "No way!" he said a little louder than usual.

I said, "How about reading the first chapter? If you don’t like it, you don’t have to read any more."

He reluctantly agreed. Sometime later he came out of the bedroom and handing the book to me he said "Here Dad,".

"Wanna’ read the rest of it?" I too cheerfully asked.

"No, thank you."

"Wanna’ see the movie?

"No, thank you."

"You sure"

"I’m sure. Thanks anyway."

"Well, O.K."

That ended that.

Ouch. Make up your own mind about matters of culture and art. Especially before you shout your opinions from the house tops. Don’t listen to me. Find out independently. Learn the truth for yourself and the truth, and your understanding of that truth, will set you free.

Seven Influential Sectors Of Society

Discipling the Nations - Seven Influential Sectors of Society Hold the Key


We believe that God has a significant role for the ethnic peoples in our nation in seeing the nation of Canada return to the Lord.

Over and over we hear that God's destiny for the nation of Canada is to bring healing to the nations!

Therefore, we desire to serve and bless those that God is bringing to our shores, whether the ethnic evangelists, church planters and disciplers that God is sending to us, or the ethnic peoples He is wooing to Himself. We have much to learn from each other as we gratefully and humbly serve Him and each other in the unity of His Spirit and in Truth. May God indeed be glorified and see His purposes accomplished in the Lower Mainland and beyond!



By the power and leading of the Holy Spirit, the Lower Mainland Ethnic Ministries Network seeks to effectively partner with Christ-centered churches, schools, businesses, missions, ministries and individuals in order to see ethnic groups in the Lower Mainland, Canada (and beyond) discipled into becoming whole-hearted, total-life worshippers of God. (as in the vision of worshippers before the throne of God in the book of Revelation)


A Visual

Picture the Lower Mainland with its many diverse people groups, reflecting through their various cultures, personalities and gifts, the exquisite, multi-faceted beauty and character of God - multi-faceted and breath-taking like a rare and perfect diamond - where each aspect of His amazing character is being reflected from Him down to all of us through the various nations/peoples so that we get a better picture of Him!…and then once His character is beginning to be grasped by the peoples/nations, His character is reflected back up to Him through the various expressions of love and heart-worship of each diverse and unique people group, which is what He's desiring from all nations….part of His beautiful artwork!



Seven influential sectors of society hold the keys


The seven spheres of influence described below will help us shape societies for Christ. God gave us these handles to use in carrying out Matthew 28 and discipling nations for Him. We believe He is wanting all His people to see the importance of these seven areas and work in them to extend Christ's reign throughout the earth.

The Family & Health Care

Commerce, Science and Technology

The Church



The Media

The Arts, Entertainment and Sports

The Family and Health Care


Through families, we are discipling the next generation of every nation on earth. Mothers and fathers are already discipling that next generation, for good or for bad. We can seek to establish Christian homes along biblical patterns that will be light even in places of gross spiritual darkness. I know of one family living in a country totally hostile to the gospel, working in a professional field. Because of strict laws against speaking on religious matters, they are greatly restricted in their witness. But they have reported that even the manner in which the husband relates to his wife and children is having an impact on the people around them. These people are being drawn to the light of Jesus through the role model of this Christian family in their neighbourhood.


Commerce, Science and Technology

Filthy lucre. Climbing the ladder. The rat race. Even the common terms of our language show that we basically believe making money is a dirty business. Can a Christian succeed in business? Does the Holy Spirit want you to win in the corporate world? Can a rich man enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
Jesus said it wasn't easy. He knew how hard it was to serve God when we are blessed with material things. When the rich young ruler approached Him in Luke 18, Jesus looked into his heart and saw that money, not God, sat on the throne. He told him to give all that he had to the poor and follow Him. Was Jesus giving a pattern for everyone? Yes, if money is number one, it is an idol. The Lord will test you, to see if money means more to you than He does. He may ask you to give away everything you have, more than once. But it may be God's will for you to serve Him as a missionary in the business world, blessing you with finances so that you can be a blessing to many others. John Wesley, writing two hundred years ago, gave us up-to-date advice in his tract called, "The Use of Money." He urged those who loved Jesus to "Gain all you all you can...and give all you can!" It's hard to improve on that advice.
Science and technology are also avenues for Christian service. These are categories which some Christians have avoided in the past. But true science and Bible Christianity are totally compatible. Not only that, science and technology desperately need the spiritual leadership of Christians. Never before has a society been able to work so many technological miracles, and yet been so unsure of its moral moorings. We need Christians who will enter these areas as their mission field.


The Church


Through churches, we are to disciple the nations of the world. How do we do this? I don't believe we are to do it by staying inside the walls of the church and believing it is Christ's Kingdom on earth. Attending church should be like a pit stop for Christians. The race is going on out in the world. The Kingdom of God is in us, and we take it out into the world wherever we go. We come to church again and again to get our tanks filled, to be fed, revived and restored, before going out again into the race to establish God's Kingdom in the world.



Have you ever said, "Don't get involved in politics! It's a dirty business--no place for Christians?" If you have, you have been voicing the will of Satan. You didn't mean to, but you were giving the devil's point of view.
Where did we get the idea that Christians should not run for political office? We certainly didn't get it from the Bible. We don't even have to turn the to heads of state of Israel, like David or Solomon. After all, they were leading a country that at least gave lip service to being God's people. Look instead at two other examples--men who served in government in heathen countries--Daniel and Joseph.
These two young men exercised godly principles and conduct and found themselves as prime ministers. Early in their careers, no political pollster would have given them any chance of gaining their positions. Daniel was a refugee, a foreigner, an outsider who didn't play by the rules of his king's court. Joseph suffered sibling rivalry of the worst kind, met a woman who had a fatal attraction to him and found himself languishing in the dim recesses of an Egyptian dungeon. Not exactly the lifestyles of the rich and famous! Daniel, later in his political career, was thrown into a very small space where he was outnumbered by extremely large lions who hadn't had their lunch yet.
Can the godly win in the political arena? If it were possible in ancient Egypt and Babylon, it is possible today--in any country. But if a Christian seeks to serve the Lord in government, he or she will also have to face a modern den of lions. God will allow that to purge and build character, as well as to teach lessons that will later be applied in His style of leadership: Servant leadership. God is searching for men and women today who choose to give up their rights and be raised to positions of national leadership. However, He will only exalt them after He has tested them to be sure they will not end up like King Saul--taken by the love of power rather than remaining the servant of all.



From day-care centers and preschools, to graduate schools in the most prestigious universities of the world, the next generation is being influenced every day. This is a precious opportunity--an arena to shape the world for Jesus.
In Iceland during the ninth century, pagan Vikings came ashore and found a small population of Christians from Ireland. The Vikings made the Irish Christians their slaves and gave them what they considered a menial job--taking care of the children. The slaves taught the children and within three generations, they reshaped a country. In the year 1,000, the people of Iceland voted to declare themselves a Christian nation.
Christians must be involved in every sphere of education: writing curriculum, teaching and administrating. Some should remain as a godly influence in public schools while others lead in Christian schools. Parents are to be active, too, partnering with the teachers to disciple their children.


The Media

Media-bashing has become a popular sport lately. Everyone from right to left in the political spectrum, as well as many Christians have become convinced that the media folks are conniving to rob them of their rights. But how many of us realise that this is a mission field of enormous proportions? According to a recent poll by Lichter and Rothman of 238 media elite, fifty percent claim to have no religious belief at all. Only three to five percent go to church or synagogue regularly.
This is a rate of unevangelised people equal to many so called "closed countries."
Pick your least favourite news reporter. Get his or her face firmly in your mind. Then realise that this is a person for whom Jesus Christ hung on the cross--this is an individual worth the sacrifice of the Son of God.
It is hard to overstate the importance of the electronic and print media in shaping our society. Why then have Christians ignored this arena, leaving a vacuum for the unrighteous to fill? We can't complain of the lack of truth in the press if we are not willing to go among them, carrying the One who said He was the way, the truth and the life. Again, some will be led to penetrate the non-Christian media while others work in Christian networks and newspapers.


The Arts, Entertainment and Sports

Whoa, you say. Surely this is the devil's domain. Isn't Christian entertainer a contradiction in terms?
I don't know how I got this idea growing up, but somehow I became convinced that anything fun, anything exciting with movement and colour was probably sinful.
Example: Really godly people dress plainly; the holiest wear all black (or all white, depending on the group).
Example: A good joke has no place among truly spiritual people.
Example: Anything is more sacred if it is done soberly, without any emotion. When at all possible, use seventeenth century language when you talk to God, like King James English. Better yet, prayers should be said in a monotone, without any degree of inflection in the voice.
Perhaps you share only part of those ideas, but by and large, this is the picture we have painted to the world of what it means to be godly. So what kind of image does this give us about Christians and Christian entertainers? They must never smile, be dressed all in black, speak in a strange monotone, and never even move. (Didn't we learn to show respect for God as our parents constantly remind us, "Sit still! You're in the house of God!")
No wonder the idea of a Christian entertainer strikes us as odd. Again, look at the scriptures. Do we see a dull God, a colourless God, a lifeless God? The devil wants us to think fun is his department, but that just isn't true. Read the book of Revelation and you'll see. There's a rainbow of colour around God's throne, and the Creator of all energy is not sitting there impassively.
One of my favourite scriptures, in Zephaniah, shows God singing and rejoicing over us! He celebrates because of the actions of those who love Him. The God who created us in His image experiences emotions and knows great joy as well as sorrow. He is the centre of excitement, the author of drama, pageantry, majesty and beauty.
Any territory which we abandon, Satan will fill. That has happened in the performing arts. Modern drama was born as a form of evangelism--the Church created morality plays to teach the truths of scripture to an illiterate public. We must recapture drama and every form of entertainment for Jesus, seeking Him for creative ways to show the world who He is.

This article was taken from chapter nine of Loren Cunningham's book "Winning God's Way", copyright © 1988 by Loren Cunningham. All rights reserved. Published by Frontline Communications, a division of Youth With A Mission; P.O. Box 55787; Seattle, Washington 98155; U.S.A. Used by permission of the author. Discover more about Loren's books, and how you can obtain them and other YWAM publications!

Prophetic Word By Scotti Coles

Prophetic word Special Forces 05/07/05

God is bringing about now His end of the age special forces.

They will beat the drum, sing ,dance and carry their torches. Right into the enemies camp, they will plunder and destroy every yoke of bondage, sin and entanglement with the world once and for all since mankind had such a great fall.

They will bring forth God's pure creativity, they will not be self promoters and insincere phonies.God's handiwork will be seen and made evident in media, arts, and every realm that satan has twisted and distorted,Now the knowledge of the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.

These will be a special people, a special force, a special time where harvest and renaissance converge and emerge for the praise and honor of Jesus Christ the Lord.

They will know God and He will be glorified outside the camp where the reproach will be beared.These will be man and woman, boy and girl and neither will be scared.These will be bold as lions, wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

These will possess a special anointing in Christ Jesus, an anointing of love.That breaks yokes and strategies of the enemy and is a sound unlike any other heard.That proceeds from the throne of God and the Lambs mighty WORD.It will be a creative display of God's pure goodness an artistic compassion for the lost and poor. They will be worship warriors, they will know failure and complete loss of ones self.They will be crucified in Christ.

They will be given over to the pure things of God and they will be a force and a sign to hell.God is populating heaven and these great works have been reserved for such a time as this.These will violently praise the King and the giants and dragons will fall, and even strongholds over cities, regions and nations will collapse at their battle call.They will take their orders directly from the Father Himself and they will know the power, beauty, judgement and holiness of the Lord.That is why they have been entrusted with the creative sword.Their faith will be uncanny, unrelenting and a force over nature.

The word of God will be outreached in unconventional signs, wonders and miracles.Healing power will flow like a mighty river.The wind of the Holy Spirit will blow mightily in their approaches and the mercy rain of God will be torrential and damaging every dry place.Bringing rivers of life in the deserts.The revelation and artistic creation will prove that these have seen His face.

Long live the King JESUS CHRIST!!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Dreams In Murfreesboro

I heard the other night that the city wide worship went great in Murfreesboro. That many souls were saved! I wasn't there. I was in Nashville. I did have a wonderful encounter at Murfreesboro last time I was there. I went to get my hair cut and as soon as I walked through the door, a guy says "Deja Vu!" He then told me he had a dream about me and that I was standing in the place where he dreamed about me. This is someone I didn't know! God downloaded something in me to tell him. I then said "Maybe God has given you the gift of prophecy!" This really struck his heart and we talked a little longer and then he left. Thanks for all your support. I am having problems with the Braveheart email. So, if you want to email me, please do so at and donate through paypal with the same email address. God Bless, Kevin

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Suddenly In Seattle

Suddenly in Seattle

By Chad Taylor (06-23-2000)

"And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting..." (Acts 2:2).

The lightning of My presence is upon you Seattle. The thunder of My voice is about to be heard in you, the veil rent in two. The ground will shake, the graves will open and you children will be set free. I am about to shake the prison houses where My people are hidden and their shackles shall come loose. They will be in their right mind. From legion to liberty says the Lord. From legion to liberty.

I will break up the fountains of the deep, I will dig the old wells. I will break up the fallow ground. I will now remember the prophecies that have been spoken a generation before you. They have come as a memorial before Me. As an incense. I will now stir the ancient flames, the revival fires that once burned in your midst. Suddenly Seattle I will come upon you. I will not allow the minds of men to dictate and control, NO. I will suddenly come upon you Seattle. The word I say to you is the word of Elisha,

"Hear the word of the Lord; Thus says the Lord, tomorrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, in the gate of [Seattle]." (2nd Kings 7:1).

The famine of My presence is over. The dearth and the hunger has come to an end. I will now give back what the locust have devoured. Like a flood I will suddenly be upon you. I will visit your widows and orphans in their distress. Your children shall be blessed. A river of revival shall flood your streets. The sounds of dancing and rejoicing will be heard from your hi-ways and bi-ways. I will loose the shackles from your children's feet. The smoke of fatted calves will be seen across the land as the heart of the prodigal comes home.

Suddenly Seattle will the fire of reformation burn and burn. The baskets that have hidden your faith shall be consumed. Nations from afar will see the flames of revival burning in you. I will consume the sacrefice from the altar. I will lap up the wood, hay, and stubble. Only pure gold will remain. I will vistit your streets with healing. Your city with the latter rain. As in the days of Peter will it be seen in you,

"Insomuch that they brought the forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that atleast the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them..." (Acts 5:15).

The lame will walk, the blind will see. The spirit of abortion will be abolished in your borders Seattle. No longer will the destinies and purposes of your children be aborted. But they shall come to fruition and maturation in this hours says the Lord. The reaper shall overtake the sower. Suddenly Seattle will these things come to pass. An evangelistic army will rise from your midst. An army of prophetic evangelists shall march into the land. Signs and wonders will herald their coming. Suddenly Seattle you will be filled with the glory of the Lord. Suddenly Seattle the hand of God will fall upon you. Gird up the loins of your mind, a day of visitation is upon you says The Lord. A day of visitation is upon you.

Winds Are Blowing

A wind called Testing has been blowing and at times you have wondered what is wrong. Is God upset with me? No, the Lord is very pleased. He sent this wind because He is doing a work within you and He is blowing out all of the things that keep you from producing good, lasting fruit. The process has been difficult, but be of good cheer.

Because I hear another wind blowing and it's name is Harvest. It is a wind of good fruit, and life and refreshment. Be of good cheer. God has not left you, or abandoned you. He still looks at you with love. Luke 3:22 You are my beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

The Renaissance Harvest

The Renaissance Harvest
Scott MacLeod

It was the summer of 2003. Some international friends and I were having dinner and a wonderful time of fellowship when we ventured into a very fascinating conversation about what we saw God doing in the world at that time. We all knew that it was a divinely led conversation, as we could feel the exhilaration of revelation. As we talked about what the Lord was doing in the nations, the Church, and the media, I was trying to find words to describe and sum up our discussion when I spoke out one small phrase that I will never forget. I said this, "What I believe God is getting ready to do globally is connect the Renaissance with the Harvest."

When I said this, it was like some kind of heavenly electricity hit us, and it felt as if the Lord was saying, "OK, now you’re really on to something!" We were hit with the immeasurable power of these words, "Connect the Renaissance with the Harvest." Not only do I believe that I will never forget these few words, but I also believe I will spend the rest of my days laboring to see the great phenomenon of this divine connection come into fullness in the nations. We are about to ride a wave of God's Spirit like never before! (I will explain later what I mean by the term "wave.")

Now, when I speak of the Renaissance, I speak of a second great Renaissance that is coming. It will be a modern-day renaissance that will dramatically revolutionize the world in a fashion similar to the first Renaissance of the 15th century, which awakened and transformed the world. The word renaissance literally means "the revival or the rebirth of the arts." There is one great difference between this second wave and the first one and it is this, this time around: the rebirth of the arts will result in bringing great honor and glory to God and eternal benefit to mankind.

The first Renaissance was indeed revolutionary in every way. Nearly every part of society was changed on a global scale, and although there was much good that came out of this rebirth (or revival) of arts and of learning, not all of the change that transpired was for good! The enemy got in, as he does so well, and twisted things for his own glory. Although there certainly was an explosion of inspiration and progress in the arts, literature, science and culture, a sad and lasting result of the first Renaissance is that "man" got stuck on himself. Instead of giving praise and glory to God, men became enamored with themselves, much like Lucifer did when he tried to eclipse the glory of God and attempted his failed mutiny in heaven. The celebration of man's intellect, creativity and progress became the central driving force of the movement and the end product was a very devastating thing that has now come to be known as "humanism."

Humanism is a demonically inspired philosophy and way of life that has penetrated virtually every aspect of western society. This exceedingly egocentric perspective that excludes God has literally swept the globe with devastatingly harmful consequences. However, this soon-coming second Renaissance will bring great glory to God, and the extraordinary result will be that multitudes of souls will experience God's goodness and will be swept into the Kingdom of heaven.

Personally, I have already spent the last 10 years of my life working hard to see the Renaissance and the Harvest come together. This has certainly not been an easy task because, for all our effort, although multitudes of spiritual seeds have been sown, there has been small success that we have been able to see with our eyes. However, every time these worlds have connected, the spiritual impact has been absolutely explosive. I have had a glorious and unrelenting vision of what is going to happen when these two worlds converge! When these two complementary realms are rightly linked, their spiritual fruitfulness will be off the scale! The uniting of these realms will produce the catalyst to one of the greatest evangelism movements the world has ever seen, the Harvest! The time is now!


When I speak of the Harvest, I speak of the unprecedented Harvest, the salvation of souls which will come at the end of the Age. This great Harvest is now at hand! We can literally just reach out and touch it. There is presently a massive change transpiring in the Christian music and arts communities of the world. There is a new day dawning and we are coming out of the darkness of both our selfish motives and the confusing, awkward, and tragic mixture of worldly ways blended with the ways of the Kingdom.

In far too many cases, the past era was about sales (money), but the future is going to be about souls (the true treasures of heaven). There is a new bottom line being put into place in multitudes of creative people's hearts, and it is this - a burning desire for God's highest glory and an undying compassion for the supreme benefit of mankind, the salvation of souls through Jesus Christ. Many are receiving and cultivating these new motives that now dictate and fuel all that they do.

For decades now, the devil has been working overtime trying to keep these two worlds apart. And, in reality, up until this point, he has done a good job of keeping them quite polarized. He has been trying to keep musicians and artists all wrapped up in themselves - seeking worldly recognition and success and therefore in a perpetual state of confusion. I will now prophetically use a southern American phrase that pronounces exactly what is about to happen, "things are fixin' to change!" Now is the time!

Countless creative people are currently being loosed from the torment of confusion, insecurity and the pride and are being infused with Kingdom vision and values. As they are denying selfishness they are receiving God’s merciful heart for other, especially compassion for the poor and for the lost. They are the Lord’s vanguard and He is personally preparing them for such a time as this. They will help lead the Church out of compromise and complacency and back into the frontlines of the battle for souls… the Harvest!


It is important that we first realize why the devil has been so effective in keeping the creative people (and the majority of the Western Church, for that matter) so incredibly disconnected from the Harvest. The primary reason is because we, the Church, haven't been ready for the Harvest. We have not had a heart for harvest as we should because we have loved this world. 1 John tells us why a love for the world absolutely obliterates our love and passion for the Lord and therefore the Harvest. "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." (1 John 2:15) We have been entangled and encumbered with the world. We have been of the world and not in it when our Father has called us to be in it, but not of it. We as believers are not to be of the world any more than our Lord Jesus was!

The sad reality is that we have not been crucified to the world, but rather we have been enamored and enticed by it. We keep getting lured and dragged away by the deceitfulness of riches, lustful pleasures, and the worries of this world. God has called us to come away from, and to be separate from, Babylon - the world's system and values. There must again be a dramatic distinction between the world and the Church or there will be no significant Kingdom advancement to speak of in our day. Praise God that we are in a day when many are getting set free from the bondages and hindrances of the past and are being healed and positioned for the frontline action of the Kingdom.

Another reason why we have not been effective is because a spiritual Harvest is just like a harvest in the natural in that they are certainly both joyful times of reaping, but they also both require plain old hard work. The Lord sends "workers" into the Harvest, but, as a whole, the rich western Church has been remarkably complacent, self-absorbed, and just plain lazy. Yet the Lord is requiring much from us who have been entrusted with so much. He is rising up a new standard of people who are willing to be living sacrifices. These are a peculiar people who are not afraid to sweat, suffer, and lay down their entire lives for the King and His purposes.

We are now entering into a season where we are going to begin to see this divinely ordained connection of Renaissance and Harvest happen before our eyes - on a global scale! The best news is that we all can be a part of it. God's people are getting ready to get profoundly creative and compassionate at the same time! So what will this look like?


Over the past ten years, there has been an extraordinary worldwide worship revolution that has swept the Church. In many cases, it has literally swept the Church clean. And this cleansing was greatly needed. Many of God’s people have been purified, healed and refreshed through this newly vivified worship as they looked to Him.

For many of the Church's young generation, extravagant worship is now a normal part of Christian life. This was not the case just over a decade ago. In many circles, especially in circles of musicians, worship was a secondary form of creativity that was best left for Sunday mornings, and we were happy to leave it there because that meant that we only had to endure it for one or two hours a week. It was amazingly uninspired, uncreative, and just plain boring. My, how things have changed, and are continuing to change! The Church is fast moving from drab conformity and cheap imitations to colorful originality that is fueled by divine revelation and inspiration!

This powerful resurgence of worshipful creativity has caused people to look up again. God is getting our attention and our affection once again. People are experiencing God's presence on an entirely new dimension and the result has been that multitudes have fallen deeply in love with the Lord. We have already tasted some of the first fruits of this blessed revolution, and with the next, larger wave of the Spirit that is coming, there will be unprecedented fruitfulness and unspeakable joy - for there will be Harvest!


The devil is completely terrified of these two worlds coming together, and he well should be, because it is a sign of his end. There is an outbreak of heartfelt adoration and divine creativity that is now rising up among believers around the world. The devil cannot stop this wildfire from burning because it is fueled by the very winds of the Spirit of God Himself. So his next best strategy has been to try to contain it. Where has he tried to contain it? In the church, of course! Most of this worship revolution has, so far, been in-house - in the Church! It has touched us but it has barely touched our culture yet. And that is one place that the devil doesn't want this fire to spread - into society and the massive Harvest fields of the world!

Renaissance and Harvest coming together is like the combining of spiritual nitro and glycerin. It will be extremely explosive! The devil has used his lethal weapons of perverted creativity on us, but this time it will most certainly blow up in his face and many will be set free! He will try his best to stop this great uprising, but he cannot stop it. This is what the Spirit of God is now doing in every nation. I believe that there is a groundswell of true worshipping warriors rising up from every nation.


There is a new wave coming! This wave represents a mighty move of God's Holy Spirit in the earth. I asked the Lord what this wave looks like and He has shown me that it is actually two great waves that, once combined, will make one enormous one. This one great wave that is the result of these two spiritual tidal waves presently merging together is called Creative Compassion. This speaks of the God’s creativity and the love being released in the earth like never before. Creative Compassion is, in essence, the Renaissance and the Harvest.

Knowing that the waves of God's Spirit come through His people, I asked the Lord who would be the ones who could ride (or be part of) this awesome wave. And then I saw a vision of what looked like many surfers who were boldly running into the waters straight toward this awesome wave. As I looked closer into the vision I noticed something amazing. These surfers were not carrying surfboards; rather, they were carrying crosses!

Then the Lord spoke, "These will be the only ones who will be able to fully ride this coming wave. These are my crucified ones who truly carry their crosses. They are the ones that will have what it will take to ride the wave because they have denied themselves and they daily choose the way of the cross. They have turned from selfish ambition and worldly success and they now live only for me, my purposes and glory. Because they have not tried to save their lives, I have crowned them with the life that is truly life. This life that they have carries my creativity. I am with them and I have anointed them for such a time as this. I have been looking for a humble people who I can exalt and I have found these dead ones, these living sacrifices, who I will lift up for my glory by the great wave of my Spirit that is coming to all nations. The cross that they have chosen has prepared them for Resurrection life - the ride of their lives."

"Many others with selfish motives will try to ride it and will not be able to." The Lord paused for a moment and then He spoke again with the sound of great concern in His voice. "Some who will try to ride this wave will be crushed by it."


There is a new phenomenon that is about to be introduced into the Church and into this world. It is called "Artreach." What exactly is Artreach? Artreach is outreach, or evangelism, that is all wrapped up in divine creativity. In this next era of the Church, Artreach will be the main way that the gospel message will be transmitted to the lost. God is going to use Spirit-inspired creativity and extend it through His people to reach far and wide throughout the entire earth. "For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea." (Hab. 2:14)

Before the end of this age, this glorious scripture will literally come true! For generations now, many believers have wondered and tried to imagine just how this phenomenon of the "knowledge of the glory of the LORD" covering the entire earth as comprehensively as water covers the oceans could actually be realized. We live in an extraordinary day when we will see this come to pass. Although they have been greatly contended for by the enemy, technology and all the modern means of producing and projecting media messages and creativity still belong to the Lord. Even though much of the media has clearly been in a vice grip of the enemy, it will ultimately be used for God's highest purposes and glory.

The Lord has convincingly revealed to me, as He has to many others, that creativity is one of the primary vehicles that He is going to use to carry the Good News to the ends of the earth. However, this creativity that I speak of is no ordinary creativity. It is not earthly or carnal. It comes from another place, a divine realm. It comes from a hidden and holy place. I am not talking about the spectacular (which can be produced by natural talent), but about supernatural inspiration that is generated by the Spirit of God. I am talking about nothing less than Spirit-breathed creativity.


Jesus said that "Spirit gives birth to spirit." God is the Supreme Creator. He is the Originator of all things and of all creativity. Satan, however is an expert at stealing and perverting creative gifts that have been given to men and women. This is one of the primary ways he perpetuates his insidious propaganda to the nations. Regardless of how the enemy has used (or is still using) music, television, the Internet, and movies to completely pollute the nations, God desires to use this modern media as a means of saving and sanctifying the nations. Sound and sight mediums have now become the language of our times. The Spirit of the Lord will dispense His glorious message of love and salvation to mankind with anointed creativity. The devil may rant and rave and spew forth all kinds of demonic and sensual creativity into the world, but God, the Creator, will have the final word on all creativity!

We are coming into a time when God’s people are getting ready to become invigorated and accelerated with Divine Creativity! The Holy Spirit is busy working behind the scenes in many creative centers worldwide such as Hollywood, Nashville, Austin, Belo Horzonte, Zurich, Berlin, Vancouver and many more other renaissance centers. God is intent on redeeming the arts for the purpose of reaching hearts. Now, when I say "the arts," I speak of all forms of audio and visual media. The arts and media have become one of the most important battlefields between light and darkness… and the good news is the Light will dispel the darkness!

For decades now, the secular media has looked like a great invincible giant, but we must remember that, although he was surely big and intimidating, the pagan giant Goliath of the Bible was ultimately killed with his own sword. This will be true of the media giants of our day. Satan has relentlessly used the arts and media to ravage and pollute the nations with very innovative ways of exporting immorality and humanism and blatant idolatry.


The giant spirits that control the media will soon be challenged and ultimately taken down as God's uncompromising warriors fearlessly rise up and fight for His honor. Many of God’s faithful ones are about to be sent into the arenas of the media to destroy the works of the devil by raising up the standard of Christ in all that they do. The Lord is currently assembling His Special Forces that have been prepared through rigorous training and even through great failure. They are coming forth in humility and brokenness. The giants of our times will again be slain by their own swords that will be wielded with great faith and strength by none other than the Lord’s worshipping warriors. The devil is fast losing grip of his own sword, the secular media and arts!

These divinely inspired ones will do things in unconventional ways because they will be led by the Spirit of God and not by the limitations of temporal success, fame or fortune. They will be a pure and peculiar people who will desire the praise of God and not the praises of men. They will understand that there are few things that stifle and kill divine creativity as quickly as selfish ambition and self-promotion.

To the world they will, perhaps, appear weak, foolish and small, but there is no doubt that they will be exceptionally prophetic and anointed. They will do everything out of their passion for Jesus and compassion for their fellow man. And this prophetic anointing that will rest upon their lives will be powerful in crushing demonic yokes and strongholds and setting captives free.

These "dead ones" will be people who are truly convinced of the fact that, apart from the Lord, they can do nothing. They will have an "unselfish ambition" that boldly and joyfully propels them into their cultures. They will have a passion to bring the brightest and purest light to the very darkest places. Because they will have pure motives, the Lord will be free to entrust them with His pure creativity.

They will not be distracted, limited or prohibited by the ways of the world because they will not be of this world. They will have come from a transcend place, a hidden and holy place with God. They will be given divine weapons that will demolish strongholds, even over entire nations. They will be God specially equipped apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and pastors who just happen to play an instrument, or sing, or dance, or act, or write creatively etc. They will be God’s Renaissance Harvesters… God’s last day Special Forces! They will bring great glory to God, inflict great damage upon the dark Kingdom, and set multitudes free!

Like David’s mighty men coming from the caves, the Renaissance Harvesters are emerging now! They know who they are, they know their mission, but most of all they know and love their King!

Scott MacLeod

Monday, May 02, 2005

Word For Seattle

For the Spirit Of The Lord says: I am pouring out a new song and a new sound in Seattle. The spirit of the warrior is blowing. The streets of Seattle will be filled with worship evangelism. As many gather to this city to hear a fresh sound and fresh revelation. The youth will carry the torch and sing the song of the Lord.

Word For Hollywood:

The Spirit of the Lord has invaded Hollywood. I see many, many, films. Films of impartation. The films will impart various revelations of the Lord. Some of these films will shift the culture and mindset of the United States Of America from death to life. The Kindom will manifest through many of these films. The Spirit of revival and the fire of the Lord will flow like a river and healings, Signs and Wonders will occur. This will happen in many cities and many countries. Some will even bring the dead to the movies in hopes for a resurrection and the dead will be raised! God is going to move in the prophetic and in evangelism in a mighty way through movies.

African American Voices:

God is preparing the hearts of a few African American men. He is birthing a sound and a fire within them. They will seem to come out of no where. They will carry the fire of Jeremiah and the dream of Martin Luther King. God is going to use them in both film and politics. They will make a stand for the justice of God. And God's voice will be heard through them.

Word For France

Revival fires are burning in France. Revival flames are burning in France. I see prophetic art work. God is going to move in the arts in France. Prophetic Evangelism will pour out into the streets.

I see worship at the Cannes Film Festival. I see worship evangelism and I see a revolution in France. A revolution of purity. A revolution of the changing of mind sets. I see hearts being struck by the intimacy of God and souls coming into the Kingdom.

Word For Murfreesboro Tenn

Today as I came into Murfreesboro. I felt the Glory of God in this city!

For the Spirit of the Lord says: I have heard your prayers and your cries for this city. I will pour out my Spirit here. Rivers of healing and revival will flow. Those in bars will be drunk on the wine of my Spirit. I then saw God moving accross Murfreesboro parks and MTSU. I could see Him moving in the bars and streets of Murfreesboro. I could see God manifesting Himself in unusual ways.