Sunday, August 07, 2005

Investing In Future Generations

Investing In Future Generations

Many people disagree with me because I don’t often preach about the Rapture, but I feel that it makes people lose focus of their destiny. They are expecting Jesus to come back, and so they don’t invest in the future of their children. Many have lost children because they didn’t invest in them, or dream for them because their attitude was: “Jesus is about to come back, so we must live as holy a life as we can to make it in the Rapture”. But God is not playing games, I do believe that He will catch us away, but He specifically says that no one knows the day or the hour of His return and we have a responsibility to future generations to invest into their lives.

When I first came into the Kingdom, I was so happy. I was completely un-churched and happy with God. It was the most unbelievable thing I had ever experienced. When I was filled with the Spirit I thought it was so wonderful that I could speak this language. I actually used to go into a store run by a Greek family, and I would speak in tongues to them and they understood what I was saying as if I was actually speaking to them in Greek. It was so beautiful that I could speak to God in this supernatural language, and I fell in love with Him.

The Church kept telling me; don’t get too happy because the Rapture is coming: “make sure you’re not in a movie theater when He comes”. So my incentive for holiness was to make it in the Rapture and stay out of hell. One day my mother-in-law told me that she didn’t think the Rapture would be any time soon, and I felt anger and hatred toward her. It rose up inside of me and I yelled out defensively. Afterwards, I thought to myself, “Why did I get so angry?” I suddenly realized that I was being told that I must wait to be snatched away from this terrible world, but God actually told us to inhabit, subdue, take dominion over and go into this world.

I know that He is coming soon, but I have seen promises for the year 2222. Many people will not want to see that, and may call me a false prophet because I am seeing so far into the future and they expect the Rapture sooner. However, I believe that God is focusing on the earth, and the kingdoms of this world, and He is telling us to take Him to the corners of the earth. We are to do this in God’s timing, and with the advance in technology today, we can share Him with the world much faster and easier. But the Church called the advances in technology “evil”, when God planned to use it for good. Without vision, the people perish.

A few years ago, I prophesied that there would be a few men and women who will try to contain Christianity and stop religion in the government circles and school, etc. altogether. They will try to make the United States of America a pagan nation. The beginnings of it have started and will continue until 220 years from now. But God will prove the atheists and agnostics wrong. They will even try to remove something from the flag of the United States of America. But instead, out of the heathen, a man will arise and he will begin to speak as an oracle of God without the display of Christians. He will speak of another flag that will stand upright next to the flag of the United States. It will be the flag of the Kingdom of the Almighty God. This flag will be an accepted, legal flag and this will represent the apostolic center, and the world will know the Gospel through the media.

It was a very powerful word and I don’t even understand all of it. But what is our responsibility now? Most would say, “Jesus would have come back by then”, but maybe not. I have studied every prophet in the Bible and they all spoke about children and generations. Only in the last 100 years have we suddenly stopped focusing on the future and rather on heaven and departure. We went from a dominion mandate to a departure mandate, but it is our responsibility to enforce the Word of the Lord, to pray and get into political office. Years ago I prophesied over a senator and told him that he would gain territories and that he would be on board a committee that would meet with the President of the United States because of a coming war. After 911, when the war had just started, he was actually a part of a group of advisors who advised and prayed with the President. I believe that America is on the right course, even though everything may not be perfect, President Bush prays and surrounds himself with senators who pray with him. This was divinely prepared for the great breakthrough we are expecting.

There are two types of perception: situational and occupational perception. With situational perception, your circumstances dictate your reaction. You sense danger, for example, and conform to the status that is required and dictated by your surroundings. As things begin to happen, you react out of fear and behave according to the flesh. This is something that everybody does and it is a natural reaction. We adapt to our surroundings and this is necessary for our survival. However, in the Kingdom we are being made aware of bad surroundings by end-time event preachers and our status is becoming weaker. We’re beginning to realize that there is an antichrist, and a beast. However, our status must be in Christ so that we are raised above. Prophecy and the prophetic give you God’s perspective of your situation. If you can see what your tomorrow holds, it gives you the will to survive. In contrast, your body and mind find it easier adapt to the situational perspective. When the Romans surrounded Jesus, He didn’t say a bad word about any of them, but rather prepared Himself to reach them. He went into their kingdoms, and that’s what we must do as well. We have to take what is rightfully ours, what God has promised us. I believe that the kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdom of God. God can turn evil to good but we need to have the faith to see it.

We have been afraid to go into the world because we are afraid that we would be influenced by evil, but we should rather take advantage of everything that comes our way and turn what was meant for evil to good. That’s why the religious system got so angry with Jesus. He didn’t run away from, or condemn the people; He transformed them. This is occupational perception. We have to give people vision, because without it they will perish. That’s why they need occupational perception. They must occupy and transform, not fear and separate.

Many circles that carry on traditional theologies are carrying nothing more than that – traditions of men that have been brought in as doctrine. The word “rapture” was never used as a theology, though it comes from a Latin word that has been around since the Latin Vulgate, which was written in about 398 AD. The word “rapture” never became an eschatological term until John Nelson Darby brought it in 1842. He was born in 1800 and died in 1882. John Darby was a member of the Anglican Church in England and he reacted negatively to the Anglican Church because of their evangelical thrusts against the peasants who were Catholic. He left the Anglican Church and read the writings of John Calvin. He joined the Plymouth Brethren organization and became very anti-church. He came to the point where he considered all organized denominations as evil and wicked and he predicted that the whore of the anti-Christ would come from them.

He began to come into an interpretation of Scripture of the Old Testament of typology and he put together a term called dispensationalism, where from one era to another, God redemptively worked in a different way, and He would never repeat it. But Darby did this because he was anti-charismatic. In his Plymouth Brethren activity, there was an outbreak of tongues and there was an outbreak of miracles and healings in one of his organizations of his churches and he wanted to find a way to come against it.

In his definition of despensationalism, he came up with a teaching out of Corinthians, that the gifts of the Spirit and the Apostolic Age ceased at the death of John the Apostle and that there was no “carry over” of the gifts. They would never be used again. When he followed this through (his negative reaction to the Church) he believed there would eventually come a time where the organized Church would become so wicked and apostate, that God would send His wrath against that church and there would be only a small number of Christians who would be the true Church (as he called it) and they would be anemic, weak and persecuted.

He came up with the term rapture and predicted it would happen in 1842…but we are still here. He predicted the rapture would happen only to rescue the weak Church from the apostate Church and from the wrath of God. His dispensational view brought a brand new teaching that had never existed before. Some of you may know this, but eschatology (until the 1600’s) was Amillenniest. It was like a “kingdom now” concept – that there was no literal millennium.

From 1600-1800, there was what was called Post-Millennialism that started to work its way in, the book of Revelation was to be interpreted as encouragement to the Body, but there was potentially a literal 1000 year reign that could take place. When John Darby stepped in, he entered into a whole new arena and he came in with Pre-Millennialism and specifically a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. When he brought this in, his motivation was to prove that through dispensationalism all the prophetic and apostolic gifts ceased and don’t exist today.

When John Darby died, his notes were then handed over to C.I. Scofield, who took all of his documentations and made a study-Bible out of it. Scofield also took Archbishop Usher’s theory of a young earth that started December 13th, 404 BC. As a result, 2 Peter 3:8 and Psalms 19:4 say that a day is as a thousand years. John Darby had grabbed a hold of Usher’s theory of a young earth and linked a dispensational time frame into each of these 1000 year periods and came to the conclusion that there would be six days and then the seventh day would be the Millennium. After that there would be a day of duration that would never end, so they linked that in.

Unfortunately, the Archer’s view of a young earth was put in Scofields Study Bible (with the years in columns). Darby’s notes came in and when the Pentecostal Movement hit the United States in 1901, 1904 and 1906, the only study Bible they had was the Scofield Study Bible. So their eschatological views were that they accepted a young earth theory, which said that the earth was “this” old and so these days were “this” literal period. Everybody was looking to the year 2000. That was the pinnacle point when it was going to have to stop. Usher did not realize that when he did this in the late 1500’s. Through archaeology we have discovered that ancient literature skipped historical periods of timeframes of kings that no significant events took place, so they were eliminated. The Biblical literature that we have follows the same format; that there are hundreds of years that were missed because they would say “the son of so-n-so” and not that they were their first born son, it could have been hundreds of generations. We know this now. No seminary reaches this at all except very hyper-conservative, Calvinistic, Baptist schools.

We know the levels of the earth and how old it is, and we know their theories were wrong. People today have accepted these particular views, which were founded to get rid of the gifts of the Spirit. Now we have Pentecostal preachers who are preaching the same doctrine from the people who came up with the doctrine, to get rid of tongues and the prophetic. But they carried this theology in, which is a rather new theology, but are now saying this: “if you do not believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, you should rather sleep in a bed with a rattlesnake”, or “if you do not believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture, you will miss the Rapture and go through the Tribulation”

…to be continued

Kim Clement