Monday, August 08, 2005

Prophetic Word By Ernest Angley

Yea, saith the Lord: Redemption draweth nigh. I am giving you my tears; they are divine tears. But you are mine. You are my precious jewels, treasures of mine; and you are so valuable. You're not contaminated; you're pure. You're pure, clean and holy. You'll walk with your hand in mine. There is no separation in your spirit and mine. My Spirit flows into you, and your spirit flows into me. You're joined together with me, and we're workers together. You are taking my message; you are taking my power and my greatness to the inhabitants of the Earth, and then the end will come, saith the Lord.

You will not be defeated, so do not be discouraged, I will be your strength, so never say "I am weak." I will be your love and your joy and your peace. I will comfort you, and I will be with you in all of your valleys. When the furnace is heated hotter than ever before, when you're persecuted like never before, I will be with you. I will be with you to rejoice because you will be using my power, and no power will be able to defeat you, saith the Lord. I will be the very strength, the very love of your life. You will see and hear and know that I am nigh unto you night and day.

You will have reality in my love for you. And you will have reality in knowing how valuable you are to me as I use you to bring in the lost, as I use you for the signs and the wonders and the miracles and the healings, as I use you to show my love to a people in darkness, as I use you to shine my light through to light up their paths so that they can see.

You will feel the warmth of my love, and you will know that you indeed have the tears of Calvary. You have become like your Master who died for you. And with the strength that I have given to you, your heads will be lifted high, and you will shout, "Redemption draweth nigh!" We must hurry and bring in the harvest before it's too late, saith the Lord.