Sunday, September 04, 2005

Prophetic Word For 2005 - 2008

9/4/2005 7:53:32 PM
The other night I was caught up in the Spirit. Here is what was revealed.

2005 - 2008

The following cities are or will be targets for terrorist attacks.

1) New York City, New York
2) El Paso, Texas
3) Nashville, Tenn
4) Atlanta, GA
5) San Diego, CA
6) Los Angeles, CA

I believe if the people of the cities will seek the face of God, humble themselves in prayer and spread the message of love that many of these attacks can be prevented or less severe. The church must get in unity.

God desires for these cities to be cities of refuge and to carry His glory in a mighty way. To be cities of refuge to take in the hurt and the lost, so they can find comfort, wholeness and rest. I see God moving in a mighty way in each of these cities and in a different way in each one. I see God birthing a major move in Nashville that will spread out to small cities across the world. A fire that will not be put out filled with passionate flames of worship.

Also, please pray for the weather patterns of these cities. And the weather patterns in general. Katrina was only the beginning. There will be more hurricanes, volcanoes, earth quakes, tornados, etc...


I see an increase of the mark of the beast between 2005 - 2008. I am not talking about a UPC symbol. I am talking about beast like and demonic manifestations of the flesh.

I also see prophetic warriors being released during 2005 - 2008 to rebuild cities and save souls. They will operate in healings, signs and wonders. They are bold warriors of the Spirit much like David's mighty men.


I see signs in the skies. I see unique visitations. I see news reports of "beings" from somewhere else especially in Mexico. I see light images that will appear on film, photos, and digital cameras. This will gain media exposure.

I see images of dead people that will begin to appear in developed photos and digital tape. These images will have media attention as well. I see an increase of the raising of the dead.


I see a mighty revival and awakening. The flood of vomit and blood will become a flood of purity, joy, holiness, and righteousness.


The violence and despair will begin to have a major shift as hearts turn to God. I see a major harvest and a movement of love. I see hear a song of hope and healing of nations. I see idols and tradition being destroyed and replaced with the fullness of the Lord. I see open heavens and major revelations. Although God is going to move between 2005 - 2008 in the mist of warfare. It will not compare with the movement of revelation and healing in 2008 and beyond.

I see a great outpouring in every city in North America. Where there has been destruction there will be hope. Where there has been hate there will be love. People will see each other through the eyes of love, considering others better than themselves, going the extra mile and treating each other as brothers and sisters in the Lord.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus I just lift up everyone reading this newsletter and I ask you to open their eyes so they may see who they are. I release the destiny within you and I ask for the flames of love to stir deep within you. I speak life, life, life to you. I release the dreams God has given you. I release the gifts inside of you and I break any demonic force that has attempted to blind you or keep you from healing. I release hope. I release joy. I release the fire within you. In Jesus name. Amen.